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NUA CAKE · toofoodies
Nessun minimo d'ordine. Spedizione gratuita in Italia a partire da 50 €.



Nua cake is a soft and fragrant cake: the base, which can be flavored with lemon or vanilla, is very reminiscent of the beloved margherita cake.. The peculiarity, however, lies in the filling: custard at will, for a super result. I’m sure as soon as you try to replicate my recipe, you won’t abandon it 🙂



Whip the eggs with the sugar until the mixture is puffy and fluffy. Add the milk, the butter previously melted in a bain-marie and continue to work with the whisk. Now add the flour and baking powder, previously sifted. You will obtain a velvety and fragrant mixture: I know it will be impossible to resist it 😉 Pour the mixture into a well buttered and floured 24 cm cake tin and, at this point, spread generous amounts of custard over the entire surface.

The recipe for my custard is always the same: by clicking here, you can find the procedure explained in detail 🙂

Bake your Nua Cake at 170 degrees, in a static, preheated oven, for about 45 minutes. Remember, always do the toothpick test before taking your cake out of the oven 🙂


For an even more delicious result, you can fill the Nua Cake with chocolate custard 😛

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